Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ninja3o3's Mud Ice Cream!

Two days ago my friend and I made up this disgusting looking, but sweet tasting......drum roll please.............I present to you.............this about-to-become-world-famous....oh, I can't take this suspense any longer. I'll just tell you. I give you the recipe for Mud Ice Cream!!!

Items you need:
Gallon Bag x2
Empty, large container x1
Freezer x1


Quart of Cream or Half and Half x1
1 tablespoon of vanilla
1 cup + 2 tablespoons sugar
Oreo's x10
Brownie Square x5
Alot of ice
Rock salt

How To Create This Mysterious "Mud Ice Cream" From These Items and Ingredients:
  1. Take a one gallon bag and pour the quart of cream or half and half into the bag. then, take the sugar and the vanilla and pour that in to the same bag as the half and half or cream.
  2. Next, take the brownies and oreo's and break them into small parts. once that is done, put the brownies and oreo's in the same bag with the sugar, cream, and vanilla.
  3. Seal the bag with the sugar, vanilla, cream, oreo's, and the brownies inside it.
  4. Take the other one gallon bag and put the bag filled with ingredients inside it. Then, fill the outside bag with enough ice to cover the whole inside bag. Once you have done that, you put in four handfulls of rock salt!
  5. Seal the outer bag and start shaking the bag! shake the bag for 30 min.
  6. After 30 min, check the inner bag. If you have frozen, brown stuff in your bag, you have succeeded in making Mud Ice Cream! If you don't have frozen brown stuff in your bag, don't worry! Just continue to step 7.
  7. If you have failed in making ice cream, just put the brown liquid in your empty container and put the container in the freezer. If you have succeeded in making Mud Ice Cream, you have two choices. You can put the ice cream in the container then put the container in the freezer, or you can eat the ice cream right there on the spot.
-Ninja 3o3