Black Rose
The vampire at a window looking out at the night
He sees one, only one star and it’s the dimmest one of any stars he’s seen
The star reminds him of his after-life
A dim road of living off of almost nothing
He looks out the window crushed by the comparison
The night is when he’s calm and the night is when he’s most passionate
He went to bed
In the morning he arose and went outside in the rain
He looked down and he saw all these roses
But, he picked the black one
It matched his purpose
It matched his life
It matched his happiness
He pressed his finger on the rose and only let one drop of blood fall
This is the blood of a monster
This is the color of death
This is the spirit of a murderer
The rose still sits there with the one drop of blood
Who says a smile on my face means I’m happy
Who says ouch means you’re in pain
Who says you’re mad with a frown on your face
Does the structure of my face really determine my mood?
What is happiness?
What are emotions?
Should a smile really determine if I’m happy or not?
Or should a frown show depression and rage?
How the mind works the face works
So there’s no definition for true anger, true happiness, or true pain
Or is there?
A county so well now in vain,
Due to the actions of a princess so vain,
In history lies her fame, Cleopatra is thus her name
For what you see
I am the presence of an angel,
I have the voice of a demon,
For what you see of me I am not
My spirits’ been killed and left to rot
For what you see of me I am not
I am a generous being of great honor,
for what I tell you confuses you, but why for what I am you
My life
My life has a series of events... when I want it to
My life is great… when I say it is
My life is over… when I end it
Invisible Seat Belt
Rules and laws hold me down
The thoughts and opinions of others strap me in
Glances and stares lock the door
Yelling and screaming start the ride
Smile for the camera,
Pose for the photographer,
Model for the magazine,
Hide from the press,
Complain to the mother,
Argue with the father,
Fight with the sister,
Scowl with the brother,
Cry to the self
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